Sometimes people can no longer care for a loved pet. That may be because they’ve lost their job, or lost their housing, or for some other reason.
It can be a confusing, extremely hard situation for families in this position who may think their only option is bringing a pet to the animal shelter, to help them stay safe and find a new home.
Some 36 percent of pets entering shelters, are owner surrenders. But often the better course is for a family to self-rehome their pet.
Self-rehoming is more humane for pets, and gives peace of mind to the people who can select—and even stay in touch with—their pet’s new family. It’s also very important for the pets who are in physical shelters, who will have more much-needed space and resources.
This infographic is aimed at demystifying how someone can rehome a pet themselves, without the pet ever entering the shelter.

We’ve offered ways that local animal shelters can help with self-rehoming—and to navigate options that may be available to help keep a pet through hard times, too, like finding and accessing pet food banks, pet mutual aid groups, and crisis fostering programs.
Please share this infographic on social media, and elsewhere. You can add your shelter’s or rescue’s logo to it, as well, or make other modifications. You can get the infographic in our Supported Self-Rehoming Marketing Toolkit, as well as the video below.
And here is the HASS Supported Self-Rehoming Toolkit, with more great information and resources for animal shelters to help people rehome their pets.
This information is critically important—all the more so now, as we face a looming eviction crisis that could result in 8 million pets losing their homes. Together we can ensure these pets and others stay safe, in homes, where they belong.