Partner Organizations

The HASS Project includes partner organizations from across the globe.

Human Animal Support Services (HASS) is an international coalition of animal services leaders and partner organizations transforming animal services through innovative programs and services. From Los Angeles to Washington DC, from Dallas to Atlanta, these U.S. cities are serving as pilot models, embracing key strategies for making positive, immediate change. The work of the project focuses on keeping animals in their homes and communities, building synergetic support systems, and empowering everyone to find unified solutions for common human-animal challenges.


What is a Pilot Organization?

A HASS pilot shelter is an animal welfare organization committed to identifying gaps within their current sheltering systems and  actively collaborate with HASS to implement a community-centric approach.

What is a Partner Organization?

HASS partner organizations are active members of the HASS movement currently implementing a community-centric approach,  actively participate in HASS programming, and promote the movement on an international scale. 

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HASS International Ambassadors

Craig Montgomery

Communications & PR Manager, Animal Welfare League Queensland (AWLQ)
Tracy McQuarrie

Tracy McQuarrie

Founder, Dogtown SA
Kathy Duncan sitting on steps with two black fluffy dogs behind her.

Kathy Duncan

National Programs Director, Humane Canada

Become a Partner Organization

We are an international coalition innovating the outdated animal sheltering system, and we want you to be a part of it! Find out more by filling out this form.


Official Technology Parnter of HASS, AnimalsFirst is a animal shelter and rescue management software built using HASS principals. 
For more information visit